2023 Commencement Wrap-Up

The Big Day was a success, with thanks to the whole Osprey Family for coming together to make our 2023 Commencement an outstanding day for our graduates. Once again, we created a new experience — and though we have good notes for improving the operational Wizard-of-Oz-behind-the-scenes details, the experience for our graduates and guests was notably wonderful.

With President Weber’s leadership, the speeches were shortened in order to put the focus on our graduates, and no complaints have been registered. This year, the deans and Dr. Watson paired up with the graduates to read their names one by one, which gave a more personalized touch that was received well. 

Special thanks to the Enrollment Team for their extra efforts with planning and execution: Dani Crouch, Analisa Gifford, Natalie Coppedge, Barbara Wicks, Roz Mendoza, Molly Darling and Catherine Whitsel. There is no way the day wouldn’t have been as seamless without them!

Approximately 1,700 people attended the ceremony, and it is estimated that over 500 guests used the shuttle. Next year JCT is going to provide four buses, all at no charge to RCC. The reception was full of smiles and hugs, and the joyful energy was everywhere. Next year we will have mostly white frosting on the cupcakes, but — don’t worry — there will be a bit of blue for those of you shenanigan lovers!

Sally Snyder
Asst. to Juliet Long, VP of Student Learning and Success