Dear RCC students,
As part of Rogue Community College’s continued commitment to the safety and security of our students, faculty, and staff and to meet requirements outlined by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the RCC Risk Management Department is providing the following notifications to all faculty, staff, and students. Any questions regarding this email can be directed to the RCC Director of Risk Management.
Annual Security Report
Rogue Community College publishes the Annual Security Report by October 1st of each year. The RCC Risk Management Department prepares the Annual Security Report in coordination with the numerous departments from Student Learning and Success, Operations and Finance, People Culture and Safety, and numerous local law enforcement agencies with jurisdiction over Rogue Community College campuses and facilities.
Inside this report, you will find detailed information regarding the safety and security resources and prevention programs available at Rogue Community College. You will also find reporting policies and procedures, which Rogue Community College utilizes to increase the safety and security of our campuses and encourage the reporting of all criminal activity. You will also find information on criminal activity reported to Campus Security that occurred within our Clery Geography.
The current Annual Security Report can be found on the RCC Risk Management website. A printed copy of the Annual Security Report may be obtained free of charge by contacting any RCC Risk Management Department member.
Sean Taggart
Director of Risk Management
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Rogue Community College