April, May and June 2024 Osprey Ovation Recipients


Name: Martin Christensen
Core Values: Collaboration
Reason: Marty is always so pleasant when assisting. He never makes us feel like an inconvenience even when we know we are. A lot of last-minute requests come in from us and he is always quick to respond and make sure we are good to go. Marty’s willingness to help and his gentle demeanor helps us to be able to provide consistently good customer service to our new and potential students when we are hosting events and out in the community. We know whenever we need something we can count on Marty.

Name: Tanya Salas-Gonzalez
Core Values: Collaboration; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 
Reason: Tanya is going out of her way to help our ESL students who attend evening classes after working all day and staying after hours to make sure they can make their class payments. This was a huge barrier as most needed to pay in cash and we in our department could only help with online or check payments for our courses. Thank you Tanya!

Name: Kari Brooks
Core Values: Collaboration; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Reason: Kari has been integral in getting our lender equipment out to ESL and GED students each term at our RVC campus. We’ve had snags in equipment updates, agreements being signed, explaining the use of equipment in languages other than English and she is always helpful to us and our students. She works closely with our Admin Assistant to make sure we have inventory accurately registered and checked out so our online students don’t have a technology barrier to access our services. Thank you Kari!


Name: Danielle Green
Core Values: Integrity; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Reason: During the lockdown on April 30, Danielle responded to a student in crisis with integrity and compassion.  Her ethic of care was evident in the way that the student felt free to express his mental and physical experience of an acute anxiety crisis.  Her thoughtfulness, patience and concern for the well-being of the student extended far beyond the timeframe of the lockdown.  She stayed with the student and even kept tabs on his recovery from the crisis, even accompanying him to his car and ensuring that he felt comfortable and safe until the moment he drove away from campus.

Name: Andrew Huston
Core Values: Integrity; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 
Reason: During the lockdown on April 30, Andrew demonstrated tremendous integrity and compassion in his response to a student who experienced a mental health crisis.  His concern for the student and his support of a colleague throughout this event was evident in his response, in which he manifested an attitude of calm, care and empathy.  The lockdown was a stressful event, made even more difficult for a student who fell in his panic response, but Andrew’s presence was comforting, solid and protective of his coworkers as well as the student who experienced a significant anxiety attack. He created an environment of responsive care and safety in the midst of what felt like a chaotic event.

Name: Apphia Zink
Core Values: Courage
Reason: Apphia came to the college with a diverse skill set of nursing skills and talents primarily with bedside nursing care. As she has blended her skills and talents into our program I have seen our program blossom with her skilled touch. She brings such grace to every situation with a desire to understand and improve with every step. Transitioning from direct patient care to academia is not an easy task and it takes courage and determination. The RCC Nursing program is becoming a more relevant and significant place where students’ dreams come true with Apphia’s influence.

Name: Tammy Canady & Team
Core Values: Integrity; Collaboration; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Sustainability
Reason: Tammy and her team were an integral piece in helping the GED/PCE Department in aligning their needs being met in a particular procedure. Tammy and her team were able to collaborate with Agency Resources and the GED/PCE Department to ultimately streamline what each department needed from each other in order to be successful going forward! Thank you for having the Osprey Attitude of Success!

Name: Dillon Ayers
Core Values: Collaboration
Reason: I would like to take a moment to recognize the greatness of Dillon Ayers. Dillon has been such a thoughtful collaborator for event work for my department and Diversity Programming Board events. Most recently, Dillon was a huge help with technical support for our Inservice breakout sessions. He is generous with his time and so great at problem-solving. I really appreciate his patience, responsiveness and reassuring demeanor. Thank you, Dillon

Name: Nikki Koeing
Core Values: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Reason: My Ossie ovation is for Nikki Koenig. A student contacted me and said she was feeling overwhelmed with the process, but Nikki was helpful and supportive, and thanks to her, she is here.


Name: Tammy Canady
Core Values: Integrity; Collaboration; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Sustainability: Courage
Reason: The Business Office has been through a lot over the years, and since Tammy has come on, she has continually stepped up to help, keep the positive vibes, and is hands-on where needed.  She has stepped up to the plate in numerous areas due to short staffing. Her new name is the Wizard of Oz, but she’s actually doing something behind the green curtain! During this time and a major ERP and SoftDocs integration, we could not be doing it without her. She is not just our director but is part of the team! We thank her!

Name: Cody Woolley
Core Values: Collaboration
Reason: At a recent high school registration day, Cody connected with a student who needed FAFSA help. Having never met this student but knowing they needed her help, Cody got their application started, connected with their parent over the phone, and helped the student on their path to RCC. Cody showed amazing agility jumping in and creating a connection with a new student and their family.

Name: Angela Harelson
Core Values: Collaboration; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Reason: Angela recognized that a student was in need of support and made sure that the student received it in a timely manner. Angela has great empathy and care for our students and community and has the spirit of collaboration.

Name: Cody Woolley
Core Values: Collaboration; Sustainability
Reason: Cody works with Unaccompanied Homeless Youth to help them qualify for Independent status on their FAFSA. This is a complicated process and Cody takes the time to contact Financial Aid staff to confirm best practices and to make sure the process is as accurate and fair as possible. This harbors a feeling of camaraderie and teamwork that allows us to be efficient and consistent in helping our students. Way to go Cody!

Name: Marty Christensen
Core Values: Integrity; Collaboration; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Sustainability; Courage
Reason: We all know we have been having issues with several programs and Marty has always been willing to help me right away and if he’s not available, he will have another IT staff member step in to solve my issues. It’s been a pleasure working with Marty at TRC.

Name: Robert Dekorte
Core Values: Integrity; Collaboration; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Sustainability; Courage
Reason: We all know we have been having issues with several programs and Robert has always been willing to help me right away. There was a day that was very stressful and another IT employee was not able to assist with my issues so he sent Robert my way and Robert had much grace for my frustrations and got me back to working right away. It’s been a pleasure working with Robert at TRC.