2016 scholarship awards ceremony and the recipient group photo

RCC Foundation News & Updates

Success! Rogue Hero Campaign The Rogue Hero 2015 internal fundraising campaign kicked off in October and ended successfully, with giving totals reaching $32,000 — a 53 percent increase over the 2014 campaign! The Foundation wishes to thank each and every RCC employee who contributed to this important campaign, which supports various scholarship funds and special projects throughout the year. Every dollar counts! New Endowed Scholarship...

Oregon Promise program logo and how it applies to RCC

Oregon Promise: What’s it all about?

Imagine going to community college for free. Is that a myth or a real-life possibility? The answer is: it depends. There’s been a lot of hype about “free college” since the state legislature passed the Oregon Promise Bill in July 2014. But what does the Oregon Promise really mean? First, it is not exactly free for everyone. The legislature approved only $10 million for the...

Veteran Chris Cooper

Veterans and RCC

When Chris Cooper returned home from Marine combat deployment in Iraq, he had to figure out how to be a civilian again. Through the GI Bill he enrolled in Rogue Community College where he learned to juggle school, family, and work—a common challenge for many adult learners. Yet Chris faced the added struggle of adapting to life outside the military, the only life he had...

take online classes virtually anywhere, a student in a coffee shop on a computer

Online Degrees Now Available

Wish you could go to class in your pajamas? You can—without ever leaving the house. RCC is now offering two transfer degrees online, no classrooms necessary. All you need is the Internet and a little determination. “The world of education has become more flexible, and we want to meet the needs of students who may want to learn from home,” says Kori Bieber, VP of...

take classes online with RCC's distance learning program

What is Distance Learning?

Ever heard of distance learning? No? Well, you’ve probably heard of online classes. Tomato, to-mah-to. No matter how you say it, we’re talking about the same thing. Distance learning is defined as an online course that a student attends similar to a face-to-face class, only you don’t have to enter a classroom. You’re assigned an instructor and a syllabus with tests, quizzes, reading, and homework,...

Teachable Minutes: Flossing

  Hello, this is Carmen from the Dental Assistant program at Rogue Community College. Did you know flossing can improve your overall health? It’s true. Our dental assistant students know people with tooth decay and gum disease are more likely to have a stroke and are more likely to have respiratory infections. Pregnant women with excess bacteria on their teeth and gums are at an...

Gary Heigel EMS instructor at RCC posing in front of a training ambulance

Teachable Minutes: Heart Attack

Hello, this is Gary in the Emergency Services Department at Rogue Community College. Each year, nearly a million people in the US suffer a heart attack. Getting help quickly can make all the difference, and yet many people wait more than 2 hours. To have the best chance, you need to call early. At RCC, we train EMTs and paramedics in how to recognize and...

graduate in gown and cap holding a bunch of money

More Bang for your Buck

Why should you choose Rogue Community College for your education? Here are three smart reasons. 1. Cost Sure, you could go to a four-year university and pay twice as much for tuition, housing, and gas to drive home when you’re homesick. Or you could invest fewer dollars in a great education designed to get you a job—so you can start making money rather than spending...

Admissions coaches as RCC are holding the doors open to the college

Our Doors Are Open—Come on in!

You have a dream job. But it requires higher education and training. Are you afraid it’s just not feasible? Here’s good news. Whatever your age or stage in life, a college education is possible—and we’re committed to helping you get one. Rogue Community College is an open enrollment institution. That means anyone can qualify to attend. We also do our very best to make school...