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RCC Allied Health Building Project Slated for Federal Funding

Rogue Community College’s (RCC) proposed creation of a new Allied Health education and training facility on its Redwood Campus in Grants Pass has been included in a slate of projects forwarded by U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden for Fiscal year 2023 (FY23) Senate appropriations funding consideration. Senators Wyden and Merkley recently announced RCC’s selection, along with a 110 other Oregon-based community-initiated projects from...

child care worker with child

Grant Renewed for Early Childhood Education Students

Oregon Community Foundation Awards $26,000 via Betty Gray Endowment Fund Rogue Community College received a renewed grant of $26,000 for student scholarships courtesy of the Betty Gray Endowment – Early Childhood Development Fund at the Oregon Community Foundation (OCF). With this funding RCC has been able to provide scholarships up to $4,000 per year for eligible students focused on Early Childhood Education (ECE). “This scholarship...

CNA supporting an elder client in a wheel chair

Nursing Assistant Program Orientation Offered August 10

Rogue Community College is offering an easy pathway to start a career in the medical field through the Nursing Assistant (NA1) Program. This state-approved NA1 program consists of 155 hours of online and in-person training. To help interested students learn more, a free, no-obligation orientation is being offered Wednesday, Aug. 10, 6-7:30 p.m. Financial assistance for course costs is available through WorkSource Rogue Valley and...

Kelsey Carlson

After years of low-wage jobs, RCC grad now pursues career in higher education

At age 16, Kelsey Carlson graduated from Crater High School in Central Point, Oregon, but she was unable to afford college, so she started working.   She spent years in low-wage jobs, but when her husband started classes at Rogue Community College to become a diesel mechanic, she thought, “If he can do it, I can do it.”    So she did.   Kelsey started at...

listening session with RCC and SOU

State Task Force to Hold Listening Session at Rogue Community College and SOU July 21

Community Voices Sought for Underrepresented Student Success. Statewide data on students from underrepresented backgrounds show that some groups of those seeking higher education face extra barriers to college enrollment and success. The Joint Task Force on Student Success for Underrepresented Students in Higher Education will be holding an open public meeting at Rogue Community College’s Table Rock Campus on Thursday, July 21 at 5:30 pm...

LOGOS charter school logo

Logos & RCC team up for Double Diploma Record

Medford Charter School Grads Net Diplomas and AA Degrees in Tandem Logos Charter School in the Medford School District has reached a new milestone. Twelve of their 2022 graduating seniors netted both a high school diploma and a two-year Rogue Community College (RCC) Associate of Arts degree on their graduation day. Three additional Logos graduates netted skill-based RCC certificates to top off their diplomas. “We...

Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians

Grant Will Help Rogue Community College Students-in-Need

Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation Awards $15,000 College students with emergency financial needs will have access to extra help through Rogue Community College’s (RCC) Osprey Care Fund as a result of a recent $15,000 grant award. Courtesy of the Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation (CCUIF) through their semi-annual grant application process, RCC will be able to continue this unique support service to students. Beginning in...


After losing her home in Almeda fire, mom-to-be pursues two degrees to build a better future for her family

For 14 years, Whitney Barnard has worked in design. Now, she’s at Rogue Community College in order to get into a more highly-paid position. She knows she needs a design and digital media degree to get promoted, but also has leadership aspirations. That’s why she’s pursuing two degrees at once at Rogue: one for design and digital media and one for business and marketing to...

Fix your Content Day Accessibility Challenge

RCC Takes Access for Disabled Students to New Heights

Worldwide competition yields top ranking Josephine and Jackson counties, OR – A core aspiration for Rogue Community College (RCC) is to ensure students from any walk of life may reach their educational and employment goals. According to Andrew Childress, RCC access and disability resource coordinator, “RCC is always seeking ways to remove barriers and increase access for students by addressing issues that may not be...