honors night student giving speech at podium

Honors Night Celebrates Outstanding RCC Students

The 43rd Annual Honors Night Ceremony was held at the Redwood Campus on Friday, April 28, 2023. The evening began with a beautiful Debussy piece played by a trio with Dr. Chiharu Sai on piano and two RCC students playing violin and cello. Thirty-seven students and three clubs were recognized for their outstanding contributions to RCC and its mission, and the event was followed by...

Blackboard Gets a New Look

Blackboard will have a new and improved look beginning summer term! This change won’t affect individual courses; however, it will streamline how faculty and students navigate to those courses. It will also make announcements, course messages, course calendars and grades much easier to access directly from the Bb homepage. Navigation will look different for faculty so we encourage you to view the resources below and...

Changes in Support of President’s Office and VP for Operations and Finance

In order to meet continued needs of leadership support at the College, a few personnel changes will occur so we can provide adequate resources without increasing staffing levels. This information is being shared to help make everyone aware of departmental contacts in the future. Effective June 1: Effective July 1: Please note these changes and effective dates as you reach out to these departments in...

New Advising Requirement for Registration!

Hey! Did you know academic advising is now required for students before they register for classes? Summer and fall registration has been open since May 8, but this year, students must be approved to register by their Academic & Career Coach (ACC) or Faculty Advisor. Please be sure to spread the word to all students in your offices, classrooms and activities to make an appointment...

Upcoming Yearly Password Change

As part of our efforts to enhance the security of the college’s digital systems and protect our data from unauthorized access, the IT department requests that you change your password before May 23, 2023. This means that all employees will be required to change their passwords before this date. Accounts that haven’t changed passwords will become locked on May 23, 2023. To ensure a smooth...

Nursing Program Expansion

On April 20, 2023, the Oregon State Board of Nursing (OSBN) conditionally approved RCC’s request to expand the RN program. Normally, RCC accepts a cohort of 32 RN students, beginning in fall term annually. This conditional approval allows for a second cohort of 24 RN students, beginning in spring term 2024. The spring cohort will attend continuously (no summer breaks) to complete the program in...

Daniel Schram

RCC Alum Lauded for Community Contributions

Jackson and Josephine counties – The Rogue Community College Foundation is awarding Providence employee Daniel Schram its distinguished 2023 Outstanding Alumni Award, with the formal presentation slated for May 12 during the RCC employee inservice. The award honors a single RCC graduate each year who demonstrates success in their profession, success in their community and significant contributions to the betterment of society through involvement in...

April 25 – May 12, 2023 News Roundup

Candidates vie for seats on Rogue Community College board: The Daily Courier – May 4, 2023 Elect Long to Grants Pass School Board: The Daily Courier – May 4, 2023 Keep nonpartisan boards free of partisan politics: The Daily Courier – May 2, 2023 10 candidates pursuing 4 seats up for election on Grants Pass School Board: The Daily Courier – May 2, 2023 Catalyst...

We are Ospreys mural contest

RCC Seeks Mural Contest Entries from Community Members

Jackson and Josephine counties – A region-wide competition to design and install “We are Ospreys” murals on each of the three Rogue Community College (RCC) campuses is now open for entries. Students, RCC employees and community artists are invited to participate. The theme for the project is “Spread Your Wings at RCC.” According to Elizabeth Butler, the RCC marketing department staff member leading the project,...