graduate in gown and cap holding a bunch of money

More Bang for your Buck

Why should you choose Rogue Community College for your education? Here are three smart reasons. 1. Cost Sure, you could go to a four-year university and pay twice as much for tuition, housing, and gas to drive home when you’re homesick. Or you could invest fewer dollars in a great education designed to get you a job—so you can start making money rather than spending...

Admissions coaches as RCC are holding the doors open to the college

Our Doors Are Open—Come on in!

You have a dream job. But it requires higher education and training. Are you afraid it’s just not feasible? Here’s good news. Whatever your age or stage in life, a college education is possible—and we’re committed to helping you get one. Rogue Community College is an open enrollment institution. That means anyone can qualify to attend. We also do our very best to make school...

RCC has a new app run by the company oolahlah

Are you on Rogue Connect?

Want to keep up with campus friends and events? There’s an app for that. Introducing Rogue Connect, a free, user-friendly mobile app for all things RCC. Rogue Connect is a hub for campus news and communication. Students can opt-in to favorite campus opportunities and note them on a personal calendar with the touch of a button. The app allows students to access class schedules, campus...

Community Focus Award students participating in the annual waste audit at RCC.

Sustainable Community Development Focus Award

You want to change the world, right? So what’s stopping you? At Rogue Community College, we don’t just talk about making change. We do it, and we show you how to do it, too. The Sustainable Community Development Focus Award are courses designed to educate and equip students in three vital areas: community engagement and leadership, sustainability, and diversity. When you become informed and inspired...

the fine people that make Oregon great, shaped into the state of Oregon

Oregon’s Best Investment

At Rogue Community College, we’re training professionals for a purpose. All of our degree programs and certificates are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to qualify for a career opportunity in our local area. “Community colleges are an excellent path for people to get the training they need for jobs that are in demand,” says RCC President Peter Angstadt. “And...

Judy Basker Executive Director of RCC Foundation

Meet Foundation Director Judy Basker

Judith E. Basker is the new executive director of the Rogue Community College Foundation. “This is a pivotal time for the Foundation, and we are thrilled to welcome Judy into the position of executive director,” said RCC Foundation Board member Liz Crossman. Basker has extensive experience working with foundations. She was Senior Major Gifts officer for Willamette University, Salem, a position she has held since...

Portrait of Steve Schilling Dean of technology

Welcome the new Dean of Science and Technology

Rogue Community College is pleased to welcome Steve Schilling, dean of the School of Science and Technology. Steve comes to us from the Southern Oregon Education Service District in Medford where he worked closely with RCC as the state career technical education coordinator. His impressive background includes a variety of hands-on industries such as welding, construction, hydraulics, and landscaping. Schilling’s knowledge and experience provide strong...

TRiO logo

TRiO is the Connection to College for Students Who Qualify

Through TRiO, Rogue Community College has helped thousands of southern Oregon students get into and complete college. These federally-funded programs are designed to motivate and support low-income, first-generation students and students with disabilities in their pursuit of a college degree. TRIO programs provide academic tutoring, personal counseling, mentoring, financial guidance, and other supports necessary for educational access and retention. TRiO Educational Talent Search (ETS) Serves...

patrick bailey, and EMS RCC success story poses in front of a fire truck

EMS Graduates Get Jobs

Patrick Bailey Patrick Bailey is the youngest firefighter ever hired by Jackson County Fire District 3. At 21 years old, he has seen more action than most people three times his age—and he loves his job. “Raft rescues, rope rescues, vehicle extrications, structure fires, and even delivering babies—I could be a part of these on any day I go into work,” Patrick says. “How could...

Gary Heigel EMS instructor at RCC posing in front of a training ambulance

Gary Heigel named EMS Educator of the Year

Rogue Community College’s Emergency Services program has taught hundreds of local paramedics and firefighters the life-saving skills necessary to serve and protect our community. All of these professionals have one thing in common—an outstanding teacher. Gary Heigel, department chair of Emergency Services, was recently named Oregon’s Emergency Medical System Educator of the Year. He was nominated by Dr. Paul Rostykus, EMS director for Jackson County....