Fire Alarm Testing Planned During Break

The college’s annual fire alarm system testing will take place during spring break as part of a required operational assessment to ensure compliance with building codes. The Facilities Management, Planning and Construction Department (FMPC) will make every effort to minimize disruptions and testing will occur intermittently throughout the week. Testing Schedule The college appreciates cooperation and understanding as this essential testing is completed to maintain...

New and Improved RCC Intranet/Faculty Resources

As organizations evolve, so too must the digital tools and platforms that support their operations. Faculty Resources are now accessed by logging into myRogue, RCC’s online portal. This provides faculty with access to essential instructional and administrative tools. Faculty members who are logged in to myRogue should see a “Faculty” tab in the blue bar at the top of the page. Don’t have access to...

Call for Speakers & Session Ideas: Help Shape Spring Inservice

Have an idea for a session for Spring Inservice? Want to share your expertise or suggest a speaker? Is there a topic you’d like covered but aren’t sure who should present? Share your ideas here. The lineup for this year’s Spring Inservice is taking shape, and the planning team is seeking engaging breakout sessions, dynamic speakers and fresh ideas to make it the best yet....

Upcoming Mandatory Upgrade: Transitioning from Windows 10 to Windows 11

As technology evolves, so must our systems. Windows 10 is approaching its end of life and, to keep RCC secure, the IT department will upgrade all staff and faculty computers to Windows 11 by November 2025. RCC IT will begin phased upgrades in the second quarter of 2025. There’s no need to request this update—our IT team will handle it for you. This upgrade is...

RCC Advocacy and Resource Center Hosting Third Poverty Simulation

The RCC Advocacy and Resource Center will host its third Poverty Simulation on Friday, April 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Josephine County Fairgrounds in Grants Pass, inside the Floral Building. Breakfast and lunch will be provided by the Redwood Campus Cafeteria. This immersive experience offers participants a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by individuals living in poverty. To learn more...

Call for Volunteers – AAWCC-RCC Spring Clothing Sale Fundraiser

Volunteers Needed The American Association for Women in Community Colleges – Rogue Community College Chapter (AAWCC-RCC) is hosting its biannual Clothing Sale Fundraiser and is seeking volunteers. This event helps support student scholarships and programs through the RCC Foundation. Volunteers are needed to assist with setup, organizing clothing, assisting shoppers and cleanup. Whether contributing an hour or a full shift, volunteer support will make a...

How to Request Contracts, Software and More

Effective immediately, this procedure outlines the process for requesting contracts, software purchases, intergovernmental agreements, or any other agreements required to complete a purchase. This new process is designed to enhance efficiency and ensure all necessary steps are completed accurately. What to Know What to Do The department appreciates cooperation in implementing this new procedure. For questions or assistance with the form, contact the Contract and...

Scholarship Committee Volunteers Needed

The Rogue Community College Foundation is preparing for our upcoming scholarship application cycle and is seeking volunteer reviewers. The role of an application reviewer is a small but impactful commitment. The review process begins shortly after our scholarship application closes on June 1, 2025.  As the saying goes, “Many hands make light work,” and reviewing an application takes only about 10 minutes. With enough volunteers,...

Spread the Word: FAFSA and Scholarship Assistance Available

There are some great events coming up for our students to receive personalized assistance with completing FAFSA and scholarship applications to maximize their financial aid awards. Please consider helping us spread the word: If students can’t make it to the events, no problem! Please encourage them to schedule an appointment with TRiO EOC for assistance. We love helping our students maximize their financial aid awards!...