RCC marketing team honored with Medallion Awards

The marketing department of Rogue Community College recently earned several Medallion Awards for excellence in marketing from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations (NCMPR), a national organization for marketing in two-year colleges. The awards were presented at the Pacific Northwest District 7 Conference in Boise, Idaho in October. RCC earned the following awards: • In the Microsite category, a silver award for the...

Southern Oregon’s 4 higher ed institutions announce consortium

The presidents of four public colleges and universities in Southern Oregon joined forces today to create the Southern Oregon Higher Education Consortium – an alliance aimed at streamlining students’ educational pathways and addressing the region’s specific workforce needs. A memorandum of understanding signed by the presidents of Klamath Community College, Oregon Institute of Technology, Rogue Community College and Southern Oregon University calls upon the consortium...

Fahey appointed as interim board member

Pat Fahey was sworn in Monday, Oct. 1 to the Zone 2 seat on the Rogue Community College (RCC) Board of Education. The Board appointed Fahey on an interim basis in place of Dean Wendle, who retired in July. “The RCC Board of Education is pleased to welcome Pat Fahey,” said Board Chair Claudia Sullivan. “I look forward to working with Pat, and I know...

Wendle retires after 30 years on RCC board

After 30 years of dedicated service, Dean Wendle has retired from the Rogue Community College Board of Education. His tenure was the longest of any board member, past or present, spanning more than half the history of the college. “I thoroughly enjoyed my elected position with RCC,” Wendle said. “I served on this board with a marvelous group of colleagues who sought to provide the...

Stokes appointed as interim board member

The Rogue Community College Board of Education on May 24, 2018 appointed Roger Stokes as interim board member representing Zone 6 of the RCC district, which primarily covers southwest Jackson County. Stokes fills the position left vacant Feb. 27 by Tim Johnson. The appointment expires June 30, 2019. The next regular district election will be in May, at which time an election will be held...

RCC congratulates the Class of 2018

Rogue Community College celebrated the achievement of 710 students at the 47th Commencement, held June 16, 2018, at The Expo in Central Point. More than 1,700 graduates and guests were in attendance as the board of education conferred a total of 516 degrees and 340 certificates. Of those graduating students, 260 earned GPAs between 3.00 and 3.49; 286 between 3.50 and 3.99, and 18 earned...

SBDC helps startup take flight

The RCC Small Business Development Center has helped grow many successful businesses. Here is just one example. Seth Benham was a senior in high school when he launched Novum Visuals (www.novumvisuals.com), a design and media company. Located in historic downtown Grants Pass, Novum Visuals produces marketing and advertising content for local companies and helps them to develop social media marketing campaigns. The media company also...

league for innovation in community colleges logo

RCC innovators recognized with national awards

          Innovative staff Rogue Community College staff were honored with John and Suanne Roueche Excellence Awards at the League for Innovation in the Community College’s Innovations Conference March 18–21 in National Harbor, Maryland. John E. and Suanne D. Roueche are recognized leaders in the community college field and early advocates of connecting teachers to student performance. In recognition of their tradition...

Gary Heigel, EMS Department Chair

RCC teaching innovations benefit students

Simulation exercises play a major role in preparing RCC Emergency Services students to become paramedics and emergency medical technicians. An ambulance crew typically consists of one para-medic and an EMT, meaning from day one recent graduates must be fully prepared to handle the range of real-life emergencies they will experience on the job. “They may be the only para-medic on the scene,” says Gary Heigel,...