Call for Speakers & Session Ideas: Help Shape Spring Inservice

Have an idea for a session for Spring Inservice? Want to share your expertise or suggest a speaker? Is there a topic you’d like covered but aren’t sure who should present? Share your ideas here. The lineup for this year’s Spring Inservice is taking shape, and the planning team is seeking engaging breakout sessions, dynamic speakers and fresh ideas to make it the best yet....

Celebrating your Valuable Contributions: A Heartful Thank You

Colleagues, With this being Employee Appreciation Week, it’s the perfect opportunity to share how grateful I am to work with such a committed group of colleagues. The authenticity and passion you exhibit in helping achieve our college mission are truly what make RCC special. I recognize that for those who do not work in traditionally student-facing positions, it might not always be clear how your...

Save the Date – Fall Kickoff Sept. 24

Join us on Tuesday, Sept. 24, for RCC’s 2024 Fall Kickoff. We intend to follow a similar schedule to last year, and more details will be available closer to the event, such as campus location for the morning and afternoon address. The tentative schedule is as follows: Faculty Inservice is a full day at RWC on Wednesday, Sept. 25. Details will be sent directly to...

RCC Bond Information

Last week our Board of Education voted to approve placing a bond on the ballot this November. If this bond passes, it will be the single largest investment to support RCC’s mission in our college’s history. It will make uniform across our service district the current tax rate we have in Jackson County. If passed, bond funds will bring the college about $60 million and...

Tell Us About Your Tech!

We Need Your Insight… President Weber is looking to understand your technology preferences and challenges. Your insights are crucial for enhancing our technological environment. Technology is at the heart of everything we do at RCC, but with so many tools available, it’s vital we choose the best ones for our needs. Help us streamline our tech use and make on-boarding smoother for everyone by sharing...

Chat with Randy

You are invited to attend an in-person “Chat with Randy.” These informal meetings with President Randy Weber are open to RCC faculty and staff from all departments and are an opportunity to hear college updates, ask questions and share ideas. Meeting DetailsFeb. 13, 20241-2 p.m. at Table Rock Campus, A-184 We encourage you to join in person, but if not, you may join remotely. For...

RCC Bond Measure Exploration

We are excited to share some important updates regarding Rogue Community College’s exploration of a potential property tax bond levy in Jackson and Josephine counties. Background: On Jan. 16, 2024, the RCC Board of Education approved the allocation of funds to engage consultants in exploring the feasibility of a future property tax bond levy. This initiative aims to address the extensive capital improvement needs of...

2024 RCC Microgrants Awarded

From the president: On behalf of the microgrant review committee and senior leadership team, I want to extend my appreciation to all who dedicated their time to submit projects for careful consideration. A total of 13 innovative proposals were received, underscoring a steadfast commitment to improving student access and engagement. This culture of innovation is poised to drive continuous enrollment growth, empowering RCC to expand...