What’s the value of a free lunch?

In the fall of 2017, with a full year as college president under her belt, Cathy Kemper-Pelle initiated a campus luncheon series to create an opportunity for “meaningful dialogue” among RCC employees. Once a term on each campus, the president hosts an informal luncheon for a dozen guests. All faculty and staff are welcome; registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. As a starting point,...

Education: A Good Investment

Rogue Community College is an economic engine for Southern Oregon that generates more than $239 million annually for the region’s economy, according to an economic impact study released earlier this year. The analysis by Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) of Moscow, Idaho, examined data from fiscal year 2015-16 to calculate the impact of RCC’s operations and student spending as well as the higher earnings of...

Rogue Community College Sets a Path for the Future

After more than six months of gathering data and input from the community, business and industry, faculty, students, and staff, Rogue Community College has developed a new strategic plan to guide its work through 2020. “We are so appreciative of the many people who volunteered their own time to participate in surveys, forums and the steering committee,” says Cathy Kemper-Pelle, president of RCC. “It was...

An Interview with President Kemper-Pelle

Rogue Community College President Cathy Kemper-Pelle was recently interviewed for the “Innovation in Education” radio program on KMED FM 106.7. Kemper-Pelle discussed Rogue’s efforts to build strong community and business partnerships, the college’s strategic plan and upcoming capital improvement projects. For the complete interview, listen on YouTube or read the transcript here: Greetings Southern Oregon, this is Julie Niles-Fry with “Innovation in Education” brought to you...

From the President

Greetings to our communities. Since coming aboard at Rogue Community College, it has been my pleasure to meet with organizations; business, education, and community leaders; students, and RCC staff and faculty to talk about where RCC is now and what it could be in the years to come. In addition, RCC has recently engaged the community in meetings, surveys, and strategy sessions to get input...