Nov. 1-8, News Round-Up

Longtime Friends Reunite to Strengthen Educational Ties Between RCC and SOU, Grants Pass Tribune, Nov. 1, 2024 Chamber of Commerce Announces Support of Measure 17-119 to Authorize $60M RCC Bond, KAJO Radio, Nov. 1, 2024 RCC bond ballot measure would expand job training opportunities, Grants Pass Daily Courier, Nov. 1, 2024 $60.3M bond for Rogue Community College CTE programs: Measure 17-119, KOBI, Nov. 4, 2024...

RCC Bond Measure 17-119

We are grateful to everyone who worked so hard to communicate the importance of this capital bond to the community and to those who voted. Although the bond measure didn’t pass, we remain dedicated to providing high-quality educational programs and supporting the needs of our students, local economy and broader community. Moving forward, RCC leadership will assess alternative options to address pressing facility needs that...

Revised Academic Forgiveness Policy

RCC’s new Academic Forgiveness policy gives students who previously received non-passing grades an opportunity for a fresh start, especially those pursuing a new major or returning to RCC after a break of two years or more. Eligible students can submit the Academic Forgiveness Request form if they meet one of these criteria: Under Academic Forgiveness, all grades and credits for the specified term are excluded...

2024 Halloween Contest Winners

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Superheroes & Villains Halloween Decoration Contest on the Redwood Campus. After careful judging, we’re excited to announce the winners who decorated in the most creative and spooky ways. Congratulations to all our winners, and a big shoutout to everyone who participated—you all made this Halloween extra heroic!  Here are the top winners in each category: Most Scary:...

Tomorrow is the Last Day to Vote

After years of planning, the future of the RCC bond, Ballot Measure 17-119, will soon be decided. Many voters submit their ballots on election night, so here’s a final message on the bond: 6 Things to Know about Ballot Measure 17-119 If approved, the bond will: This measure aims to enhance our facilities and infrastructure to better serve our students. For more information, visit

Welcome Jennifer Anderson

Jennifer Anderson joins RCC as an Accountant II. Originally from Ventura County, California, Jennifer has more than 25 years of experience in accounting. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees while working full-time. At home, she has two cats who run the household and hopes to add a small dog to the family soon. Jennifer already loves Oregon and is looking forward to exploring more...

Introducing RCC’s New Website Search Tool

The Marketing & Communications department at RCC is excited to announce the launch of a new search option for RCC’s website, designed to enhance user experience while reducing costs. This new search feature will provide more categorized and comprehensive search results for our college community.   Additionally, we will be gradually incorporating resources like our Events Calendar into the search results. Expect to see relevant...

Osprey Athletics Update

Our athletic teams have wrapped up remarkable regular seasons, celebrating impressive achievements and breaking records along the way. As they head into the Northwest Athletic Conference postseason, the Rogue Ospreys men’s and women’s soccer teams, and women’s volleyball team are primed for playoff success.  Women’s Soccer  The 8th-ranked women’s soccer team has added South Region Champions to their impressive record. With a 9-1-2 record in...

Oct. 25-Nov. 1, News Round-Up

RCC partners with Red Cross for Halloween blood drives amid US shortage, RV Times, October 24, 2024 Students prepare for financial aid application changes, KDRV, October 24, 2024 Red Cross Blood Drives Open Next Week at Rogue Community College Campuses, KAJO, October 26, 2024 RCC to host blood drives across the Rogue Valley this week, KOBI, October 28, 2024 Rogue Community College hosting blood drives...