Narcan Now Available on Campus

To enhance campus safety and in light of the escalating opioid crisis, Narcan will now be available on RCC campuses. Narcan, also known as naloxone, is a medication used to reverse opioid overdose rapidly. RCC recognizes the urgency of providing lifesaving resources within our community. Narcan is essential in our efforts to safeguard the well-being of students, faculty and staff. It’s important to note that...

Dining on RCC’s Campuses

Explore the array of menus and convenient locations across our campuses by visiting the new Food Services webpage, which also has contact information and hours. You’ll find a variety of options including vending machines, micro-markets and cafes, ensuring easy access to delicious meals and snacks while on campus. The page also features information on catering options for your events, big or small, and a link...

April 15-29, 2024 News Round-Up

SOU taps former RCC president as interim VP of Finance and Administration: Ashland News, April 26, 2024 Husband-and-wife chefs win raves at RCC: Grants Pass Daily Courier, April 25, 2024 RCC Chapter of AAWCC Holding Clothing Sale at GP & Medford Campuses: KAJO, April 23, 2024 One small step toward solving Oregon’s childcare crisis: Illinois Valley News, April 15, 2024

Dual Credit Peer Reviewers Needed

Are you interested in learning how other community colleges and universities manage their dual credit programs? Becoming a peer reviewer this summer would give you that insight! ODE and HECC are currently recruiting for peer reviewers to review dual credit programs across the state. Including the training, the time commitment of this volunteer position is about 7-10 hours. Every aspect of this is done remotely...

BAT Forum On Friday, May 3

Join us for the final 2024/25 BAT Forum on Friday, May 3, 2024, at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom. Please visit the RCC Budget Advisory Team (BAT) website for a complete schedule. All students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in the forums to share ideas and suggestions, and ask questions regarding the college’s budget through informal conversation. The BAT Forums are dedicated to discussions...

Call for Faculty Senate Award Nominations

RCC’s Faculty Senate is calling for nominations from the college community (staff, students, faculty and administrators) for the 2023/24 Faculty Senate Recognition of Excellence Award. These awards honor the contribution of faculty members (adjunct, professional faculty and full-time faculty) to students, the institution, peers and the wider community. For 2023/24, four faculty members will be selected for this honor. Nominators are not required to pick...

IT Department Meeting Notice

All staff in the IT Department will attend a department meeting on Friday, May 3, 2024, from 2:30-5 p.m. Our team will be unavailable to respond to standard IT support tickets during this time. Should you need to submit a support ticket during this period, please note that it will be addressed on the following Monday morning. We appreciate your understanding and patience. Please do...