Training: DEI at Rogue Community College

Learn about RCC’s commitment to its core values of diversity, equity and inclusion. Explore resources, educational opportunities and other ways to get involved in collegewide efforts to create a respectful and inclusive campus community. This Welcome to Rogue session will be held on Friday, Dec. 8 from 9 – 11 a.m. on the Redwood Campus. Welcome to Rogue is a 12-month onboarding series for new...

Embracing Best Practices in IT Usage at RCC

In our continuous journey to enhance the effectiveness and security of our IT environment, we’d like to share some insights and gentle reminders regarding using RCC’s technology resources. Adhering to our Computer and Network Use Policy (AP 3720) is not just about compliance; it’s about fostering a professional and secure digital space for all. The Value of Professional Use of RCC Equipment:Recent IT security measures...

Reminder: Set Up Your Authorization Substitute

The winter break is almost here! Before you take off to enjoy the season, please remember to set up a substitute for RogueNet Authorization. Make sure the substitute you select will be working during your break and know they are your substitute. Don’t know how to set up a sub? Here is a quick procedure to set up an Authorization substitute using the Utilities tab...

Textbook Affordability Wins At RCC

Rogue Community College students saved over $3 million in courses with the no-cost/low-cost schedule designation during the 2021-23 biennium. Thank you to the instructors and support staff who make this important work possible! As Rogue Community College works to make learning more student-centered and equitable, it’s important to share the impact of the institution’s participation in Oregon’s statewide Open Educational Resources (OER) program. There are...

Toys for Tots

The Rogue Chorus Club is once again sponsoring Toys for Tots of Josephine County. The Rogue Chorus has participated in the annual Toys for Tots toy drive for the past seven years and is excited to once again provide boxes to collect donated toys on the Redwood Campus. Boxes will be available in the Library and in the Josephine Building through Dec. 14. Toys will...

Please welcome Angela Harelson in a New Role at RCC

Let’s welcome Angela Harelson in their new role as the Access & Disability Resources Specialist in the Access & Disability Resources office. Angela is an import from Samoa and was unboxed in Southern Oregon a few decades ago. With a love of learning and curiosity that can’t be contained, Angela roamed the Redwood Campus, exploring diverse career paths until graduating in 2004. From advertising to...

RVC Benches

Ensuring the safety and well-being of our campus is a top priority for the City of Medford. In collaboration with Risk Management, RVC ADHOC and the Medford Police Department, we have taken measures to address growing concerns along Bartlett Street between the HEC and SSC. Regrettably, due to a significant upswing in individuals using exterior benches for camping and drug-related activities, we made the difficult...

OspreyTalks – Discussing Phishing, Email Security and Sophos with New IT Director Anu Ghosh

OspreyTalks are microdevelopment sessions brought to you by the People, Culture & Safety Division. We tackle BIG topics in bite-sized Zoom sessions for employees with subject matter experts and an opportunity for Q&A. Topics of past sessions included Data Dashboards, Marketing 101, Security in Teams, the 411 on Student Services and more! OspreyTalks have been pared down to one session per term for the 2023-24...

COABE Google Scholarship Award Recipients

Two members of the GED® & Pre-College Education team have received Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) Google scholarship awards! Data analyst Karin Boucher and ESL lead faculty Katie Nollenberger are among only 500 professionals selected nationally to participate in this year’s program. The scholarship is provided through a partnership with Google and COABE that supports professional development for individuals in the field of adult...