Employee Appreciation Week Events at a Glance


Rogue Report

• Calendar of events for the week: You are here!
Thank you message from President Weber 
Kick-off of award nomination season


Redwood Campus – Coffee & Conversation 

9 to 11 a.m. RWC-H2 
Join campus colleagues for a coffee and a bite to eat for informal connection and celebration. Grab and go, or stay and socialize as your schedule allows.   


Riverside Campus – Coffee & Conversation 

9 to 11 a.m. RVC-HEC-309 
Join campus colleagues for a coffee and a bite to eat for informal connection and celebration. Grab and go or stay and socialize as your schedule allows.   


Table Rock Campus – Coffee & Conversation  
9 to 11 a.m. TRC-A-122 
Join campus colleagues for a coffee and a bite to eat for informal connection and celebration. Grab and go or stay and socialize as your schedule allows. 


All Campus – Employee Appreciation Luncheon  
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. RWC-Cafeteria 
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. RVC-HEC-112 
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. TRC-A-122
     ✓ Grab and go, or stay and socialize as your schedule allows. 
     ✓ Thank You cards and stationery will be provided for peer-to-peer recognition. 
     ✓ Nomination forms and ballot boxes will be available to submit award nominations (for more information, see this Rogue Report Article).

Osprey Ovation Submissions

Osprey Ovation is a longstanding peer-to-peer recognition program at the college. Starting in March, a monthly Rogue Report article will highlight the previous month’s submissions. Friday, March 1 is the last day to submit an Osprey Ovation nomination for the first-ever Osprey Ovation Rogue Report article! Submit yours today to recognize the efforts of your outstanding colleagues.

For questions, contact Karla Benitez-Sanchez on Teams or by phone at 541-955-7529.