Deadline extended to March 31.
Join us in celebrating and recognizing our extraordinary employees by nominating a peer. This year, Employee Appreciation Week formally kicked off nomination season.
Below, you will find each award with an open call for nominations. These nomination forms will remain open through March 14 (unless otherwise noted). If you would like additional details about each award and/or see previous year’s winners, please visit our RCC Awards page.
Rogue Values
The Rogue Values Awards recognize outstanding employees who demonstrate excellence in teaching and service through embodying our core values (Integrity, Collaboration, DEI, Sustainability and Courage). Nominations are accepted for each core value as well as the “Osprey Spirit” category.
AAWCC – RCC Flame of Excellence
The Flame of Excellence award celebrates a current RCC employee whose exceptional accomplishments make a meaningful difference for women by embodying the spirit to “Challenge, Champion and Celebrate”—whether through inspiring students or supporting fellow staff members. Award recipients are honored at RCC and the AAWCC Oregon Chapter fall conference. Current staff, students, faculty and RCC retirees are welcome to make nominations.
Nominate AAWCC-RCC Flame of Excellence here
Classified Employee of the Year
OSEA Chapter 152 is accepting nominations for the 2025 Classified Employee of the Year (CEOTY). Please let us know who you think is going above and beyond to support our students and/or colleagues here at Rogue. Any classified employee is eligible to be nominated. Please use our online nomination form; the deadline is March 31, 2025.
Nominate Classified Employee of the Year here
Innovation (Individual and Team)
The Innovation Award is an individual award for any RCC employee whose achievements promote institutional excellence. Contributions can take many forms and may include a significant role in the implementation and effective delivery of a highly innovative idea. The extraordinary innovation must have impacted or continue to impact an area critical to higher education learning, education and/or organizational work. The deadline for nominations is March 28.
The Team Innovation Award is a team (minimum of three members) award for any RCC employees whose achievements promote institutional excellence. Contributions can take many forms and may include a significant role in the implementation and effective delivery of a highly innovative idea. The extraordinary innovation must have directly or indirectly impacted or continue to impact an area critical to our core business of learning and teaching. Teams nominated for this award will have demonstrated an exemplary ability to work together in a collaborative and cross-functional manner which enabled or continues to enable RCC to achieve excellence. The deadline for nominations is March 28.
David West Seventh Generation Diversity
Rogue Community College bestows the David West Seventh Generation Diversity Award to any RCC employee who has shown a deep commitment to the values of diversity, inclusiveness and fair and principled leadership. Additionally, this is a person who has influenced the lives of students and staff by honoring diversity and celebrating the richness of our college community.
This award was established in 2001 in honor of David West, who is an enrolled member and elder of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, and also an RCC alum! David is Director Emeritus of Native American Studies at Southern Oregon University and also the Konaway Nika Tillicum Summer Native Youth Academy, the longest-running program of its kind, now in its 29th year.
Nominate for the David West Seventh Generation Diversity Award here
Faculty Senate Awards
A call for nominations for the 2025 Faculty Senate Awards will be announced later this spring.
For questions, contact Karla Benitez-Sanchez on Teams or by phone at 541-955-7529.