Freedom of Expression on Campus

Come join the conversation about “Freedom of Expression on Campus”—and what that means for staff, faculty and students at RCC.

We will be discussing Administrative Procedure 3900: Expressive Conduct, as well as RCC’s procedures about Respectful College Community, Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment, and other procedures that might inform how we understand the Constitutional rights to freedom of speech, assembly and expression at RCC. We also plan to discuss how we can support freedom of expression on campus for people who are assembling, as well as for employees and students who might have strong reactions to the content of that expression. We will brainstorm supportive ideas for responding to speech with which we may disagree.

Campus dates, times and locations:

  • Aug. 13, 12-1 p.m., RWC – J1
  • Aug. 14, 1:30-2:30 p.m., TRC-A122
  • Aug.15, 12-1 p.m., RVC-HEC112

We will host this same conversation during Fall Inservice if you aren’t able to make an August date. For more information, please contact April Hamlin at