High Technology Center Receives $25,000 Gift
RCC’s High Technology Center is designed to be a hot spot of learning. The Foundation has been hard at work raising funds for this new, state-of-the-art facility where students will engage in hands-on classes, labs, and special projects related to a variety of advanced technical fields including welding, manufacturing, machining, computer aided drafting, electronics, and computer science.
Recently, the fundraising campaign received a boost of $25,000 from local donors Ted and Mary Warrick of Wooldridge Creek Winery, original owners of the property on which the High Technology Center will be built.
“Ted and I talked a lot about the college and how we might assist in the expansion of the manufacturing curriculum,” Mary says. “A monetary donation seemed to be the best way.”
The Warricks are long-time advocates for public education, both having attended college in California in the days when public universities were free. Their investment will help RCC students develop the skills they need to make a positive impact on our local economy.
“We are proud to support the people dedicated to helping the youth of the Rogue Valley better position themselves to live productive and successful lives no matter what career paths they choose,” Mary says.
For more information about the RCC High Technology Center and how you can contribute, visit www.roguecc.edu/foundation.