Health Insurance Open Enrollment is Coming Soon

It’s that time of year again—health insurance open enrollment is just around the corner. We want to share some important updates before summer is in full swing.

Big News: OEBB has announced a Passive Enrollment this year!

Why Passive Enrollment?

  • Minimal Benefit Changes: Since there are minimal benefit changes this year, OEBB is making re-enrollment simple and automatic.
  • Focus on Modernization: OEBB staff are diligently working on a new modernized Benefits Management System, expected to be ready for the 2025-26 plan year. Pausing mandatory enrollment allows them to focus on this crucial project.

What Does Passive Enrollment Mean for You?

  • Automatic Re-enrollment: If you are satisfied with your current benefit plan selections, your enrollments will automatically roll over to the next plan year. No action is required if you want to keep your benefits the same.
  • Making Changes: If you want to make benefit changes, you will need to log in to MyOEBB and make your selections during the open enrollment period.

Important Information and Tools from RCC

We will provide updated employee rate calculator tools, forms and information regarding on-campus open enrollment meetings closer to the start of the open enrollment period in August. Watch for these resources to ensure you have all the information you need to make informed decisions about your benefits.

Resources from OEBB

The OEBB Open Enrollment Guide will be posted by July 15, 2024. Visit the OEBB website for this and other resources as they are released.

We understand that health insurance can be complex and we are here to help. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our HR department at

Thank you for your attention, and let’s make this open enrollment period smooth and successful!