There will be herbicide treatments on designated flower beds at the Redwood and Table Rock campuses through Dec. 31, 2025. The grounds crew will perform the following herbicide treatment as needed Thursday through Sunday (weather permitting) between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Area: Designated flower beds. The grounds crew will be marking out the areas with approved warning signs.
Problem: Weeds compete with desired plants for water and nutrients.
- “Gly Star Plus” (EPA reg. # 42750-61), a sprayed systemic weed killer.
- “Casoron 4G” (EPA reg. # 400-168-59807), a pre-emergent herbicide weed and grass killer.
- “Dimension270 G” (EPA reg. # 7001-375), a turf and landscape ornamental granular pre-emergent herbicide.
Please call the Facilities Management, Planning and Construction Office with any questions or concerns at 541-956-7333.