The end of the 2022/23 fiscal year is just around the corner! The Business Office and Contract & Procurement Office are requesting your help to ensure the timely processing of orders and payments of all 2022/23 POs and Travel Requests.
Please keep the following in mind when ordering items from vendors:
- Individual departments placing orders should ensure the vendor is aware that orders must be delivered no later than 5 p.m. on June 30, 2023.
- Any order that is received after June 30 will be charged to the department’s 2023/24 budget.
- Between now and the end of the fiscal year, staff members should regularly check the status of all outstanding purchase orders. If a purchase order is no longer necessary, contact the Contract & Procurement office to have it closed. If all items listed on a purchase order have been received, but the system does not reflect it, contact Shipping & Receiving for instructions on how to resolve this issue.
- Please review all of your department’s open purchase orders (PO) and Travel Requests (TR). A list of open items can be viewed in RAPS on the Purchase Order tab or the Travel tab by selecting the Status button. For all open POs and TRs, please process payment paperwork, close or revise as necessary. If you need assistance, contact Sheri Bransfield.
Please see the linked document for a printer-friendly version of instructions on how to check the status of a PO.
If you have any questions regarding departmental budgets, please contact Natalie Herklotz or Debbie Dice.

Please note that reimbursements are to be expensed out of the year they were purchased. Any reimbursements for anything purchased from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, need to be done on a 22/23 PO/travel request by the dates above. For example, if you purchased a parking permit in June 2023, you need to submit this expense for 22/23, even if the permit dates fall in the 23/24 fiscal year.
Thank you for your attention regarding this matter and for your help in making our year-end processes go smoothly.