Blackboard is the platform RCC uses for all online classes. Some in-person classes may post assignments or share files there as well.
You can find Blackboard at roguecc.blackboard.com. Log in with your RCC student email and password. Click HELP below the login button if you need additional support.
If you are taking an online class this term, you should have signed in to Blackboard and completed a small assignment by Wednesday, Sept. 27. This lets your instructor know that you are participating. If you have not yet done this initial assignment, please do so now and contact your instructor so they know you are still taking the class. If you find that you have been dropped from a class due to attendance, you can register again in myRogue through Monday, Oct. 2.
Blackboard Orientation is recommended for students who are new to online classes at RCC. Please join an orientation session via Zoom on Monday, Oct. 2 from 1-2 p.m. or Tuesday, Oct. 3 from 3-4 p.m.
Thank you!
RCC Communications Team
P.S. We recommend bookmarking the link to Blackboard, but you can also find it at the top of the RCC website, on myRogue, or on the RCC app (search “Rogue Community College” on your app store).