Mental Health at RCC: A Guide for Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff at RCC play a crucial role in supporting student mental health. Being aware of the signs of emotional distress and knowing how to assist students effectively is essential.

Recognizing Signs of Distress

Key indicators that a student may be struggling include:

  • Academic Changes: Decline in performance, missed assignments, frequent absences or disorganized work.
  • Behavioral Changes: Withdrawal from social activities, changes in energy levels or risky behaviors.
  • Emotional Changes: Expressions of hopelessness, mood swings or excessive worry.
  • Physical Changes: Poor hygiene, weight fluctuations, frequent complaints of physical ailments or sleep disturbances.

Identifying these signs early helps in providing timely support.

Starting the Conversation

Approach students with empathy and concern. Use specific observations, such as, “I’ve noticed you seem more withdrawn lately. I’m here if you need support.” This non-judgmental approach encourages openness.

Connecting Students to Resources

While faculty and staff are not expected to provide counseling, they should connect students to appropriate resources. This might include referring them to campus counseling services or local mental health resources. Even small actions, such as helping students make appointments, can be impactful.

Promoting a Supportive Learning Environment

Foster an environment that prioritizes mental health by integrating mental health discussions into the curriculum, being flexible with deadlines and reducing stigma around seeking help. This encourages students to seek support when needed.

Self-Care for Faculty and Staff

Supporting students can be demanding, so practicing self-care is vital. Seek support from colleagues or mental health professionals as needed to maintain your own well-being.

In summary, recognizing signs of distress, initiating supportive conversations, connecting students to resources and creating a compassionate learning environment are key to enhancing student mental health at Rogue Community College. Small actions can make a significant difference.

For more information, contact RCC’s Counseling Department by phone at 541-956-7443 or email at