Introducing oneself as Mohammad Zamani tends to pique the curiosity of others. So, you do not have to ask if we ever meet…here are my responses to a common line of questioning:
1. I am from the United States
2. Yes, I was born here
3. No, I am not Muslim
4. Yes, I realize it would be okay if I was
5. My name comes from my Iranian father
6. Yes, I have been told I do not look Iranian
7. No, I do not speak Arabic or Farsi
8. Yes, I have been to Iran
9. No, my mother is American
10. Yes, my dad is an American citizen
11. No, he is not Muslim either
12. Yes, as an American I am concerned about the situation in the Middle East
13. Sorry I do not have any special insight into that situation
14. I am aware of Persia’s rich history
15. Iran was nice, but no I would not want to live there
16. Yes, I also go by M.A. if that makes it easier for you