Under President Cathy-Kemper-Pelle’s leadership, and with assistance from consultant Rick Voorhees of the Voorhees Group, a Strategic Planning Steering Committee (SPSC) has been working to accomplish the first major steps in developing a new strategic plan for RCC.
The SPSC consists of 33 members including faculty, classified staff, students, board, foundation, executive leadership, management, and community member representatives from Jackson and Josephine counties. Specific vocabulary was set for the process to align with terminology set forth in accreditation standards.
- WIG (Wilding Important Goal) aka Core Theme: An overarching direction for the College supported by rationale derived from RCC’s analysis of environmental data.
- Objective(s): A course of action(s) that support(s) WIG(s).
- Indicator(s) of Achievement: Visible measures that provide a way to monitor progress in reaching the outcomes set forth in WIGs.
The SPSC has been in an intense, focused, three-month process that will culminate on or about April 7. The intention is to share the work with the Board of Education for review and input on April 18 and then with the college-wide community at inservice on May 5 for input and next steps. A website for access to the team’s work, environmental data, and a Strategy Talk Blog is available for information and input at the Strategic Planning home page.