Registration is open for the 30th annual Seeds of Spring Garden Seminar hosted by the Josephine County Master Gardeners. Featuring more than three dozen workshops, the one-day seminar will be held March 16 at Rogue Community College in Grants Pass.
Participants may select up to four 90-minute workshops from a slate of 39 options at the seminar, which will be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Topics include beekeeping, Orchids 101, safe use of pesticides, selling what you sow and how to design a firewise landscape. Select classes qualify for Master Gardener recertification.
The cost is $35 per person; lunch is available for an additional $10 (must be purchased in advance). Advance registration is strongly encouraged. The deadline for advance registration is March 8; walk-in participants choose sessions on a space-available basis.
Register by mail, phone or in person with RCC Continuing Education, located in the A Building at the RCC Redwood Campus, 3345 Redwood Highway in Grants Pass; 541-956-7303.