Storage Cleanup for Network Drives

As we begin the fall term, we want to address a growing concern about storage space on our department network drives. The IT department has noticed that these drives are quickly filling up, primarily due to large images and videos. We ask that you move these files to your department’s Teams channel, ensuring they do not contain sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Teams offers significantly more storage than our on-campus servers, making it a better option for such content.

Additionally, we’ve found many old files (not accessed in 10 years or more) on the department drives. As everyone settles in for the new term, please take time to review and clean up your department drives by Nov. 29, 2024.

The IT department will begin archiving files not accessed in the last 10 years during the week of Dec. 16, 2024, and will also move large images and videos to archive storage.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact us at Thank you for helping us optimize our storage resources!