Amanda Esquivel is passionate about caring for the homeless. As president of the RCC student club Studio B: Rogue Design Hive, Amanda rallied her fellow students around a pressing need—and made a real difference.
On her ride to school each day, Amanda noticed an increase in the homeless population on Medford’s streets. She began researching and discovered Oregon is ranked among the top 5 states for unsheltered families, veterans and youth. “I felt it was my duty to share what I learned, to spark conversation and to work to implement change,” she said.
Amanda and her Studio B colleagues partnered with a local organization called Compassion Highway Project to prepare meals for homeless people. They also collected donations of money and hygiene items for those in need. Yet the students wanted to do more—so they put their art skills to work and created a new magazine called Design 4 Change.

Studio B spent three months taking photos, writing and designing the magazine. The printing was generously donated by The Print Shop at the Commons.
The first issue is dedicated to raising awareness of homelessness in Medford. It features stories on the mission of Compassion Highway Project as well as other local resources committed to supporting the homeless in our community. Design 4 Change doesn’t just report the facts; it also provides details on how readers can get involved in implementing change, just like Amanda and her classmates did.
“Design 4 Change magazine is a natural extension of our club’s mission,” said Studio B faculty advisor Heidi Lee Harless. “Our program teaches students dynamic skills in graphic design and digital arts. It also serves to support non-profit organizations that often lack the funding for high-quality design and marketing materials, which are vital to their success. The club evolved as a way for students to support each other in their new career paths and give back to their community.”
Copies of Design 4 Change are free while they last. If you are interested in picking up a copy, or would like more information about the Design + Digital Media Program at RCC, please contact Heidi Lee Harless at 541-245-7563 or