Summer Term Grade Entry Process for Faculty

Thank you for your patience as the process for entering summer term grades has been finalized. As previously communicated, this summer’s grade submission will follow a one-time process until the Blackboard grade integration is ready for fall term and beyond.

After testing, it has been determined that the most efficient way to submit summer term grades will be through a more “old school” approach, without using the J1 system. Faculty have two options for submitting their grades:

Option 1: Faculty will receive a spreadsheet from the registrar’s office to enter grades. Completed spreadsheets can be emailed to or delivered in person to:

Riverside Campus – HEC 101 Alesha Farrar
Redwood Campus – Wiseman Loft Molly Darling or Roz Mendoza
Table Rock Campus Dani Crouch – TRC A-192  or Analisa Gifford – TRC A-187A
Option 2: Faculty can export the Blackboard grade book into Excel, add a column for letter grades and last date of attendance (LDA) for non-passing grades, and submit via email to or deliver them in person to:
Riverside Campus – HEC 101 Alesha Farrar
Redwood Campus – Wiseman Loft Molly Darling or Roz Mendoza
Table Rock Campus Dani Crouch – TRC A-192  or Analisa Gifford – TRC A-187A
Electronic and hand-written submissions are acceptable. Faculty are encouraged to choose the option that works best for them. The registrar’s office, with assistance from others, will manually enter all summer term grades. To expedite the process, faculty are asked to submit their grades as soon as possible. The final deadline for submission is Tuesday, Sept. 3, at noon.

For questions, contact Juliet Long at