President Kemper-Pelle invites you to review the suggested updates to our strategic mission, vision, and values and provide your written comments which will be shared with the Strategic Planning Committee and RCC Executive Team. Your input will be extremely helpful in creating a meaningful plan for 2021 through 2028. Feedback is due by Friday, April 23 at 4:00pm to
Here are the sections for your review and comment:

We have also posted a text version of this document on the IREP SharePoint site where you can find a large inventory of resources related to our Strategic Planning process. We invite you to visit here:
Please be sure to have your responses to CRasmussen@roguecc.eduby Friday, April 23 at 4:00pm to be included. We appreciate your thoughtful consideration and comments as we work to develop a comprehensive and sustainable 2021-2028 plan supporting our students and region.
Thank you,
RCC Communications