We are thrilled to introduce Mark Grabow, RCC’s new Program Coordinator for Student Employment Services (SES). Effective July 1, SES transitioned back to Human Resources; however, Mark will work in the SES center spaces at both RWC and TRC to provide student-facing services. This change in department enables Mark to provide comprehensive support throughout the entire cycle of student employment.
In 2004, Mark started his career with a student employment position within the disability services office for Southern Oregon University (SOU). After promoting into an accommodations coordinator position and working at SOU for five years, he left for grad school and the pursuit of public sector efficiency improvement project management opportunities.
Mark has led or co-led projects for the City of Portland’s Office of Management and Finance, the City of Gresham’s City Council, the City of Eugene’s Central Finance Division, Clackamas Community College’s Office of the President, Portland State University’s Center for Public Service, and the Oregon Public Performance Measurement Association. The pandemic led to a reevaluation of values, and he realized how much he missed working in higher education in Southern Oregon, so he recently made a concerted effort to “come back home.”

Considering Southern Oregon his paradise on earth, Mark and his wife relocated here in the summer of 2021 to start their family, and they are expecting their first child this August! Hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting are all on the table of fun activities Mark enjoys; add some Zelda and charcuterie with his mom and wife, and he is a happy camper.
Passionate about professional development, Mark is excited to help students at the start of their careers (be they 1st, 2nd, or 3rd careers) while they seek student employment opportunities that help them in their course of studies here at RCC. He values the service-learning philosophy, and there is no other place he would rather be than in service to our community as a member of the RCC team.