We’re making a big change
RCC is changing the way we contact students through email. Beginning Monday, Feb. 14, the college will send all email communication only to your RCC student email account. This means that RCC will no longer send emails to your personal email (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.).
Your RCC student email is the same as your username for Blackboard, the Ambassador Bookstore and Campus Logic (RCC’s financial aid and scholarship portal). It is a free Microsoft Outlook account that will never be deactivated, even after you graduate from RCC.
To check your student email, go to outlook.office365.com. You can also use this account to log in to other Office 365 online products, such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Visit the Student Computer Labs FAQ page for more help with your RCC student email account, including video instructions on how to forward all emails to your personal email account.