Why Is Email Signature Branding Important?

RCC’s brand is our most powerful marketing asset. Your everyday email is your #1 business communication channel. Put them together and we’ve got a brand-boosting match made in heaven!

Put simply, a signature brands email. Email signatures can raise brand awareness, promote brand values, increase engagement with branded content and build and protect brand reputation to drive business results.

We add our email signatures to every email for maximum brand exposure. It’s all about the numbers. Say a business or organization has 100 employees, each sending 1,000 emails a month (which is the accepted average). That’s a total of 1,200,000 emails a year. With a 99% open rate (remember, these are everyday business emails not bulk marketing emails), that’s a huge 1,118,800 annual brand impressions your email signatures are making. But are they making the right impression?

RCC has designed a suggested email signature to deliver the most professional brand image. Every element—our logo, colors, fonts and images—all meet RCC’s exact brand identity guidelines. Our RCC email signatures are the college’s employees’ digital business card and need to make the right impression. While it is not required, using the one suggested here helps promote RCC’s professional brand image.

Consistency is key to strong branding. Whether a business or organization has 10 or 10,000 employees, it’s best when all emails are on-brand. By creating a tool for you to design an on-brand RCC email signature, we have ensured RCC’s brand displays correctly every time on every device. It’s all about consistency. We don’t let different email clients and devices damage RCC’s brand. RCC’s brand identity needs to look the same on mobile as it does on a desktop.
Please help strengthen RCC’s brand by using the suggested email signature that can be easily created here. If you have any questions or need assistance, please email the marketing department at marketing@roguecc.edu.