Working with the Media

To ensure a cohesive and effective communication strategy at RCC, all media contacts should be coordinated through our Public Information Officer (PIO). This includes responding to media inquiries, pitching ideas, issuing news releases, handling speaking requests and coordinating record releases with senior leadership as necessary. 

The RCC board chair and college president serve as the official spokespersons, with the authority to delegate this role as appropriate. Employees and board members must review media requests with the PIO prior to committing. This policy helps maintain consistent and accurate messaging, safeguarding RCC’s reputation and integrity.  

 The Public Information Officer is responsible for: 

  • Informing the official college spokespersons and assisting in identifying delegate spokespersons as requested;
  • Responding to media inquiries for information, interviews, photographs, and filming;
  • Promoting college news, events, expert opinion, and other information;
  • Advising employees seeking publicity; 
  • Assisting and advising employees and board members who are contacted by media; 
  • Assisting with public presentations for those acting as representatives of RCC when requested;
  • Assisting in the review of college board policies and administrative policies and procedures for accurate language and expression;
  • Assisting the Vice President of Operations and Finance/CFO in ensuring compliance with requirements pertaining to public records requests when requested;
  • Coordinating crisis communications in coordination with the Incident Response Team and related emergency operations procedures;
  • Maintaining working relationships with reporters and editors;
  • Tracking news coverage;
  • Informing senior leadership of any publications concerning RCC. 

 This information is all included in RCC’s AP 3950 Public Relations.  

For more information, and/or to coordinate RCC public relations opportunities for RCC, reach out to Kelly Gonzales at 541-955-7525 or